Monday, July 11, 2011

JQuery Templates

JQuery templates let you seperate data from display code on the client. I'll explain why this is useful in future posts (if I get around to it). For now, I'll show you how it works.

First, I include the jquery library, and the jquery Template library.
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src=""></script>
Next, I embed a JSON string on my page. (This is javascript, so it goes in javascript tags).
var strData = '[{"firstname":"Dave","lastname":"Stillman","phone":"555-1212","address":"555 1212 Road, Nampa, ID"},{"firstname":"Donald","lastname":"Trump","phone":"555-5512","address":"255 Somewhere Lane, New York NY"}]';
I use eval to turn my json string into a javascript object.
var data = eval("(" + strData + ")");
 Next, I create a template script.  I create it the same way I would include inline javascript in a page, but I give it type='text/x-jquery-tmpl' instead of type='javascript'.  I also give it a unique ID, so I can access it later.
<script id="addressTmp" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
Next, I add a div where I want the data to be displayed
<div ID="addressDiv" />
Finally, I use a jquery template command to display the data

Continue reading to view source code and a live demo
Live Demo

  Sample 1  Sample 2  Sample 3
Source Code

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